18 dec. 2008

Cited Swedish Researchers in Inhofe 650 are upset

The "More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims"-report originating with the infamous James Inhofe gets pushed even further down into the mud. Several blogs have already debunked the dubious list, see e.g. Deltoid, Climate Progress, Greenfyre’s, Rabett Run and 650 list, after reading that it’s hard to think there could be more wrongdoings in the report... fear not!

The Swedish researchers Svante Björck, Dan Hammarlund and Karl Ljung whose names and research are used in the report do not want anything to do with the list and believe their findings are being misused (page 208). Further they state that they have no complains about the main conclusions in the IPCC reports. (Personal communication)

What a sad list...

4 kommentarer:

  1. Det var samma historia med Heartland-institutets lista över "skeptiska forskare" i våras. Svante Björk var förresten utsatt för den listan också.

  2. Mejl från Morano:
    Your report titled: "Cited Swedish Researchers in Inhofe 650 are upset" - http://uppsalainitiativet.blogspot.com/2008/12/cited-swedish-researchers-in-inhofe-650.html

    These scientists (Svante Björck, Karl Ljung and Dan Hammarlund) are not and were never part of the more than 650 dissenting scientists featured in the Senate report. http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.Blogs&ContentRecord_id=2674e64f-802a-23ad-490b-bd9faf4dcdb7

    Your blog post implies these scientists are part of the 650 plus dissenting scientist count and that is clearly not the case.

    As to the scientists’ complaint of being in the 650 plus scientists report -- they were merely included under the category entitled:

    “Sampling of inconvenient scientific developments in 2007 for proponents of catastrophic man-made global warming: [Updated - 12-24-2007]”

    Their report was cited as an example of the above, nothing more, nothing less.

    Marc Morano
    Communications Director
    U.S. Senate Environment=2 0& Public Works Committee (Minority)

    Morano hävdar alltså att de inte ingår i de 650 forskarna som är på listan utan har kommit med som exempel på vetenskapliga resultat som är obekväma för de som hävdar en katastrofal människoskapad global uppvärmning.

  3. Jag tycker knappast att Björck et al passar under rubriken "Sampling of inconvenient scientific developments in 2007 for proponents of catastrophic man-made global warming" heller.
    En mycket fånig rubrik förresten.

  4. Hi Mroano, could you specify where you think that we imply that?


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